Added the Hungarian black metal act Tymah’s “Zuhanás” to the store. “Zuhanás” was released on the Finnish underground label The Sinister Flame. I especially like the vocals, which are kind of unique with a rash, harsh and very dark style…
New black metal vinyls – Behexen and Necromantia
Added Behexen – Rituale Satanum black-grey-white splatter LP and Necromantia – From The Past We Summon Thee 7″ vinyls to the new store (under construction).
So, The Wild Hunt is getting a facelift and a new store. Hence, we are migrating the ‘old’ titles to the new store, meanwhile the old store remains but won’t be updated.
Any issues or questions, use the chat in the lower right corner or drop an email to at
Also, do not hesitate to check out our black metal Spotify playlist with Behexen and other great BM bands:
We are reconstructing…