Posted on Spotify black metal playlist

So, it is time to publish Spotify black metal playlist. Please enjoy below, it is closer to 50 hours of black metal mayhem…

The list contains black metal and black metal related tracks by artists, such as Kampfar, Craft, Primordial, Funeral Mist, Watain, Urfaust, Marduk, Immortal, Drudkh, Varathron, Rotting Christ, Lucifer’s Child, Uada, Dissection, Svartsyn, Bathory, Burzum, Mayhem, Helrunar, Macabre Omen, Gehenna, Winterfylleth, A Forest of Stars, Agalloch, Koldbrann, Deathspell Omega, Batushka, 1349, Den Saakaldte, Khors, Enslaved, Darkthrone, Vreid, Gorgoroth, Acherontas, Panphage, Murg, Forgotten Woods, Windir, Der Weg Einer Freiheit, Windswept, Mgla, Sargeist, Imperium Dekadenz, Ulver, Summoning, Deströyer 666, Nifelheim, Tsjuder, Horna, Dark Funeral, Murdryck, Wolves in The Throne Room, Venom, Taake, Mutiilation, Behexen, Ereb Altor, Fluisteraars, Isengard, Impaled Nazarene, Eneferens, Dawn Ray’d, Wyrd, Judas Iscariot, Mephorash, The Ruins of Beverast, Inter Arma, Akhlys, Nargaroth, Abbath, Satyricon etc.

Please enjoy and do not hesitate to give feedback.